Tuesday 4 October 2011

Codes and Conventions of a Music Magazine.

Music Magazine Front Cover
  • One main image which takes up the whole of the front cover - Direct mode of address (looking directly at you).
  • Colour scheme. Simple, but eye catching. One main colour that is vibrant and stands out.
  • Cover lines - lines of text on front cover (title of main feature).
  • By the title of the band, it gives a clue as to what is included in the story.
  • Not a feminine style.
  • 'Also Inside' section.
  • Buzz words - Side stories, features.
  • Titles covered by image, but they are well established magazines already, so we know what they are.
  • Page is full of information.
  • Set out in a neat mess.
  • Title (masthead) - Trademark or unique font - Either fills cover or to the left.
  • Puffs (splashes).
  • Something on front cover that draws the audience in.
  • Strip on top or bottom of the page of the bands that are featured in the magazine.
  • Date, price and issue by the title.
  • Bar code on the bottom right hand corner.

Music Magazine Contents Page
  • Title at the top of the page.
  • A variety of pictures, with a main one that represents the main article.
  • Follow the colour scheme of the front page to tie it in.
  • Date.
  • Certain pages that stand out.
  • Advertisements / Offers / Prizes / Free give aways.
  • Page is full.
  • Different fonts - Sizes and style. The smaller the writing, the more detail it tends to have.
  • Certain words highlighted.
  • Headlines for different sections - Features and regulars. ('Feedback', 'Mail', 'Reviews', 'Features', 'Posters', 'Live', etc...)
  • Message from the editor. (Giving an overview of the issue and his opinions.)
  • Informal writing (funny - one liners).
  • A particular style that is stuck to (bubbley, plain, sectioned, etc...).
  • 3 or 4 columns.
  • Structured layout.
  • Web address.