Tuesday 15 November 2011

My Questionnaire.


1.       Gender?                              MALE                    FEMALE
2.       How old are you?

3.       What do you like about Indie Alternative magazines?
Type of bands                   Layout                  Contents
Why? ______________________________________________________________________

4.       How often do you buy a music magazine?
Every day                            Every week                        Every month                      Never

5.       How much would you spend on a good music magazine?
Up to:                   £1                           £2                           £3                           £4                           £5
6.       What colour scheme would you prefer?
Black, white and red                      Light blue, dark blue and grey  
Orange, red and yellow                                Other _______________________________
7.       Do you like reading interviews with Artists/Band?                            YES                         NO
8.       Who is your favourite band/artist out of the following:
9.       What do you like about music magazines?
Layout                  Contents                             Articles                                Gossip
10.   What don’t you like about music magazines?
Layout                  Contents                             Articles                                Gossip
11.   How many pages do you think is suitable for a music magazine? _______________________
12.   Would you enter competitions if they were included?                    YES                         NO
13.   If you could name a music magazine, what would you call it?

Sounds good      Looks good         Easy to remember           Snappy
14.   Would you like to be able to ‘Have your say’ in the magazine and have your views and thoughts included?                           YES                         NO                         MAYBE
15.   Where do you usually buy your magazines from?
Local Supermarket          HMV     Newsagents
16.   Do you like a lot of pictures in a music magazine, or do you prefer to read more?
17.   Would you expect straight talking interviews, or would you rather language be cleaned up before publishing? ____________________________________________________________
18.   Do you usually follow one magazine or buy which ever is in stock?
If it’s usually the same magazine, which one is it?
19.   Have you ever bought Q or MOJO Magazine?                     YES         NO
If yes, what did you think of it? __________________________________________________
20.   Anything else you would expect from a good magazine? _____________________________

Thank you.

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